Colorado Outdoors Online

‘Higher-Ed’ for Elk Hunters

photo by Amy Bulger (CPW)
A bull elk. Photo by Amy Bulger (CPW)

Elk hunters looking to expand their “wapiti wisdom” can do so by participating in “Elk Hunting University,” a hunter outreach program offered by Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW).

Developed by CPW “Huntmaster” volunteers who teach and mentor novice hunters, EHU provides an entertaining and educational look into the exciting world of Colorado elk hunting. The innovative program features how-to articles, videos and other resources to help hunters become more successful in their pursuit of Colorado’s most revered big-game animal — the Rocky Mountain elk.

“EHU uses online educational products to assist hunters in becoming more knowledgeable and confident in their skills as an elk hunter,” said Jim Bulger, CPW hunter outreach coordinator. “Most of our past hunter-outreach efforts focused around youth-oriented mentoring programs. While it’s extremely important and rewarding to engage young hunters, we felt we could do a better job reaching out to the thousands of adults who want to learn more about hunting elk in Colorado.”

The mulifaceted study program features a wealth of information for hunters. Current articles available on the “EHU lesson page” include, “Elk Hunting 101,” “Planning a Successful Hunt,” “Applying for a License,” “Using Technology” and “Pre-Scouting: Using Maps and GPS.”

Hunters of all skill and experience levels will benefit from the online EHU program, available 24/7 on the CPW website. Class is now in session! Visit “Elk Hunting University” at:

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